Sexual INsanity
“Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.” Proverbs 11:22
Here are some signs of the times:
Miley Cyrus made fashion headlines on Sunday when she wore a pink dress that spelled “DO IT” on the front.
- Our local paper covered a protest over a transgender high school boy insisting he has the right to use the girl’s locker room.
- My daughter talked to a teenager who bragged that she had sex with three different boys in one week.
- Ashley Madison, an adultery website, had 37 million subscribers who were enticed by the tagline, “Life is short. Have an affair.”
As we watch what’s happening in our world, what should we be doing? How do we respond with Christ’s love and biblical truth – instead of shame or silence?
Do you know what to do? Do you know how to talk with your kids and friends, as this becomes the “new normal” for them?
Come (with your girlfriends, daughters, small group) and be equipped and encouraged at our upcoming women’s event, Sexual Sanity Seminar: The Hidden Heart of the Matter on Friday evening, September 18th and Saturday morning, September 19th at Westminster Christian Academy. The cost is only $15 and $5 more if you bring your daughter(s).
Ellen Dykas, author of “Sexual Sanity for Women: Healing from Sexual and Relational Brokenness,” (featured on Focus on the Family and Family Life Today) will help us answer these questions and more.
“… The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.” 1 Corinthians 6:13b
Register today at
Friday, September 18th, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 19th, 9:00-11:30 a.m.
Westminster Christian Academy
800 Maryville Centre Drive
Town & Country, MO 63017
For further information, contact Karen (314) 406-7073 or Dee (314) 413-2904.
3 thoughts on “Sexual INsanity”
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Hello! I was invited by Mary Suzanne Crocket to attend the avent with my daughter… Im not sure if this is how I register for the Friday night seminar… Thank you for your help!
You can register here:
and miley won the best dressed awards from many fashion people… oh, how the world’s view is different from the heavenly perspective.