Planting Seeds for the Next Generation
“I will sing of the steadfastness love of the Lord, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.” Psalm 89:1
Those of us who are mothers know that from their infancy on we are prone to making comparisons of our own children with their peers, carefully charting their development with “the norm.” When is she going to start walking? His sister was talking when she was 18 months. And then there are the report cards. And on and on it goes.
Well, today as you read an essay written by an aspiring nursing student to the college of her choice, I don’t want you to go there; this is not about heaping on guilt for failure. While we plant seeds, and in our own flawed ways, train and try to model Christian behavior for our children, ultimately, growth comes from the Lord. (I Corinthians 3:6) Rather, let’s be inspired and wonder at the goodness of God, and the influence of His Word, and a godly home in shaping Ruth Ziebarth’s heart and mind to give her God-honoring reasons for pursuing a career in nursing.
My curiosity towards nursing began in elementary school, when I was in 5th grade. On
the classroom bookshelf at my school lay a short history book about a lady named Clara Barton who lived during the Civil War. I read the book and learned about this courageous woman. She was the founder of the American Red Cross and a pioneering nurse. My interest was peaked: her uncommonly heroic work struck and inspired me. Meanwhile, my own mother has worked as a psychiatric nurse throughout my siblings’ and my childhoods. Currently, she works for Sisters of Saint Mary, and she often comes home from long 12-hour night shift with stories of both the difficulties and joys of the occupation. These two women, though they live decades apart, have both inspired and challenged me to pursue my career in nursing.
Nursing is a beautifully tangible way to serve and care for others in their weakness and to show them the love of their Lord. Moreover, the profession sets a model for a lifestyle of service unto others, for a nurse supports and participates in a work greater than and beyond herself. She participates in a divine work, namely the health and healing of one made in the image of God. The Scriptures teach, “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone.” (Galatians 6:910) Christ himself said in John 13:34, “just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” As a Christian, it is my duty and privilege to obey God and care for his children. To fight for one’s innate dignity, aid in the restoration of health, the prevention of illness, and to serve the emotional health of patients anywhere are palpable and powerful ways to fulfill my life’s mission, and are necessary to be an excellent nurse. I hope to be a nurse known for her comforting voice, precise care, and compassionate heart.
I believe that my interest in nursing is no accident, indeed, I think it is my vocation. For seven years now, I have felt inexplicably drawn to this profession, in all its pain and glory. Since 2011, my family and I have been going to Juarez, Mexico, annually on mission trips, and earlier this year, I went on a mission trip to Puerto Rico. All of these trips carried great emphasis on youth ministry, and sharing the Gospel and the love of the Father with young children. As I have considered how I may use my BSN, the answer has become decidedly clear. I want to pursue pediatrics and continue to care for the young and vulnerable. I care deeply for children and find myself acutely sensitive to their needs. I want to channel this gift and use it for the benefit of those around me, following my completion of the BSN program at Aquinas College.
Some of us wait a long time for our children to rise up and called us ‘blessed’. (Proverbs 31:28) But ultimately, that’s God’s work in the heart. Still, we plant seeds.
How are you making known God’s faithfulness to the next generation?