Building God’s House
Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. (Psalm127:1)
Dear Friends,
You may have noticed that image (a representation, an impression, mental picture or idol) in our culture has become a preoccupation and often an occupation. A recent article that ran in The Wall Street Journal reported a growing trend for a photo shoot to be included at the closing for millennial first-time homebuyers who want to announce to their followers on social media that they are now the happy proud owners of a new home. According to the article one real estate agent was forced to wait for an hour while the wife sped home to change her outfit and retrieve her false eyelashes!
Just as the elation of first-time home ownership loses its glow quickly as the demands of maintenance and unanticipated expense become a reality, marriage begun in such dreamy euphoria can turn nightmarish as the foundations begin to crumble under the weight of unrealistic expectations. Too often, this is the state of marriage today.
Through our classes and mentoring, we at Hidden Heart Ministry are committed to helping women first find their identity as God’s image-bearers in the unchanging word of God that today sustains and directs our world; and secondly, experience the joy of living life for the glory of God by building their marriages according to His blueprint. As Chief Architect, God has drawn up a rock solid plan for marriage that images the love of Christ for his bride, the church.
Turning the state of marriage around in our culture today will take fervent prayer and an army of Bible-loving believers who are willing to invest in the next generation. Recently, we have published an abridged version of The Cry of the Hidden Heart, which is not only more adaptable to church calendars but is suitable for sharing with younger women whose schedules are tight – hopefully before they start building their house.
Here’s our challenge to you: You can join the ‘army’ in one of two ways: Look around. Find someone who is looking forward to marriage or who wants to shore up her own marriage and offer to go through the new eight-chapter version of The Cry of the Hidden Heart with her. Our philosophy is, “Each one, teach one.” While you may not see yourself as a teacher, the new abridged version of The Cry of the Hidden Heart provides the scriptural framework for finding purpose and joy in building a life and a marriage on the sure foundation of the gospel. You will be blessed as you watch God’s word do its supernatural work in the heart of another.
The second way to join this turn-around is by making a tax-deductible donation to Hidden Heart Ministry. With the exception of some technical support, HHM is primarily a volunteer organization, laywomen in ministry to other laywomen, dependent upon the generosity of donors like you. Will you join us in honoring marriage and family as God designed it and more particularly, in helping women recover the place of honor, dignity, and influence He has granted us in marriage? Together we can carry on the recovery work for which Jesus came.
With thanksgiving and praise for your partnership in the cause of Christ,
Karen Bacon